Detergent powder, also known as laundry detergent or washing powder, is a cleaning agent used to remove dirt, stains, and odors from clothing and fabrics. It is typically composed of a combination of surfactants, builders, enzymes, and other additives. Detergent powder works by loosening dirt and stains from fabric and suspending them in water to be rinsed away. The surfactants in detergent powder reduce the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate the fibers of the fabric and dissolve dirt and stains. Builders, such as sodium carbonate, help to soften water and enhance the cleaning power of the detergent. Enzymes, such as proteases and amylases, break down proteins and starches in stains to help remove them. Detergent powder is available in various forms, including powders, liquids, and pods. It is typically used in a washing machine, although it can also be used for hand washing. The use of detergent powder can help to prolong the life of clothing and fabrics by removing dirt and preventing stains from setting in. However, some detergent powders may contain ingredients that can be harmful to the environment or cause skin irritation. It is important to read product labels carefully and choose products that are eco-friendly and hypoallergenic if necessary. Additionally, it is essential to use detergent powder as directed and not overuse, as this can lead to excessive wear and tear on clothing and fabrics.